Telephone number 4 santa margarita water district
Telephone number 4 santa margarita water district


The transfer of the Utilities System from the City to SMWD would constitute a reorganization and/or change of organization pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000, as set forth in California Government Code Section 56000 et seq.

telephone number 4 santa margarita water district

Any future improvements or modifications to the Utilities System carried out by SMWD, such as improvements identified in a City Capital Improvement Plan or similar projects, would be subject to additional environmental review, as applicable. The proposed Annexation is primarily an administrative action that does not require upgrades or new infrastructure.

telephone number 4 santa margarita water district telephone number 4 santa margarita water district

The Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) is proposing to enter into an Annexation Agreement with the City of San Juan Capistrano (City), which will set forth (1) the transfer of the Utilities System of the City, consisting of (i) a potable water system and a recycled water system (together, the "Water System") and (ii) a wastewater system (the "Wastewater System"), to SMWD (2) an amendment of the sphere of influence of SMWD with respect to the provision of water and wastewater services (3) the annexation of the existing service area (defined as the geographical area served by the Water System or the Wastewater System, as applicable, as shown in Figure 1) of the City by SMWD and (4) the development and implementation of a plan of service to continue to operate the Utilities System.

Telephone number 4 santa margarita water district